I hacked Santa's Email!!

on Saturday, December 6, 2008

I didn't mean to, but it just sort of happened. I was curious to see if he actually had an email account. I guess he does. I put in the username and just guessed a couple times on what the password could be. I got it right on the second try. :) Anyway, I took a screenshot of the front page to prove it as well as opening a recent chat he had. Gmail is cool that way because it keeps track of everything. I went through and read everything and I've gotta say I've got a whole new perspective of the man... But hey, as long as he still delivers every year then I'm happy. I know I can't afford my kids' growing wish lists, so he can be as weird as he wants in his email as long as Christmas morning still happens for the kids, right? :) Click the image to get a larger view.

Finally (almost) Finished! ...sorta.

on Friday, December 5, 2008

Two years ago I got a call from an artist named Erik Strelich. He found my ad on Craigslist.com and wanted me to build him a website. I sent him a couple concepts that I thought would look good, but it took months to find the right look for his style. Finally after a couple hundred hours of coding, designing, drawing, and planning it is all finished. There are over two hundred images that were edited and modified for the gallery. Erik was one talented artist, that's for sure. I'll never forget what he told me on our first conversation. He said, "I don't want to sound like I'm bragging, but there are only two people who carve glass at the caliber that I do. One is me and the other is my mentor." Although he certainly has no match in the world of glass carving, he also had an amazing eye for art. His paintings and drawings are absolutely amazing. I've been to his house and have seen some of these pieces in person. The pictures don't do them justice.

I've still got a few tweaks to make as of today, but I'm pleased to say that the site that I see right now is basically what the site will look like totally finished. :) I'm very pleased with it and it is a great example of what I can do I think. My only regret is that it took two years to complete. You see, Erik died a little over a year ago of a heart condition that he suffered with his whole life. Just as we had settled on a final design, he was taken from everybody. His widow Angie has worked with me to complete the website. I only hope that it represents accurately what Erik would have wanted.

Why you should check...

Do you check your kid's homework before they turn it in? Well, you should. When a teacher gave her students an assignment to draw a picture of what their mommy or daddy did for a living, my guess is that she learned a little more than she planned on. This is what one student turned in. What do you think their mommy does at her work?

She works for Home Despot. This is a picture of her selling snow shovels. The teacher thought their mommy was a pole dancer. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA!!!!

You wanna know who sucks?!

on Sunday, November 30, 2008

I'll tell you who sucks. People who walk through parking lots like they can't be touched suck. They suck even more when they get all indignant and yell at you when they get caught walking in your blind spot and feel the heat from your exhaust on their legs. I say GOOD! Maybe they should get hit once in awhile so they aren't walking around in their little haze thinking that they are immortal. I hate those little packs of teens that like to walk through the parking lot in a wall too. They just must be walking shoulder to shoulder, don't they? What is the point of that? Seriously, someone should just drive by and door them one of these days so they get the picture. Or maybe less illegal, someone should go school to school teaching students how NOT to be assholes as they grow up. Where is the "don't be an asshole 101" class being taught anyway? I want to sign some people up.

Here is another thing that sucks. When you... You know what, forget it. These people that suck don't deserve to know that they irritate me so much. I will say this. A lifetime of behavior by me has been justified by a few short years of action by these people. And yet they wonder why I am the way I am...

Let's see... who else sucks? Oh, I have one. FEEDBACK SUCKS! I'm so sick of that word! I think I've mentioned that recently. People at my work use 'feedback' as an excuse to look important. What they are saying to you may have absolutely no ground in reality, but since they are the ones calling the meeting, it becomes something you have to change. So anything that someone notices and brings to your attention is something that needs to be changed in my office, should any of you decide to come work there. And if you try defending yourself or explaining why their perception is wrong, then you just get called 'argumentative' and they get to have a whole new perception of you.

You know what I'd really like? My office is doing layoffs in January again and it is very possible that it is going to hit my department. It is somewhat possible that I would be impacted, but less likely me than others. I am one of three permenant trainers in my department and there are two interns that would be cut before me. There are even more coaches that would be cut, so I'm fairly safe as far as that goes. However, if I do get laid off I would be paid eight weeks of severance and keep my benefits for eight weeks. That is plenty of time to find another job. In that time I would also be able to finish working on my website that so desperately needs to get finished. I've got big plans for that thing and I just lack the time to finish it up. I'm taking next term off from school just in case I get laid off and won't be able to submit for tuition reimbursement at the end. I think I'll keep my same study schedule and finish the website anyway. It just needs to be done...

Ok, so that was my rant for the day. On a brighter note I have to say my family (meaning MY family) does not suck. My son just turned five yesterday and he was so much fun. My daugther is two and a half and is the absolutely most beautiful girl in the world. I have the pleasure of having the cutest little seven month old boy too. All of my kids should have been child models, but I'm too selfish to let anyone else enjoy them but me. And to top it all off I have the most perfect and beautiful wife that could ever exist. Sure we have our issues just like any couple has, but in the end we are still going to be together forever. I can't think of anyone I would rather spend forever with than these three kids and that perfect woman. Sometimes we are far luckier than we deserve to be...

So during a season where we are supposed to be thankful for stuff, let me just say that I'm thankful for people that suck because they make my little family look that much better. I'm also thankful for natural selection that takes care of most of the things that suck in this life. I'm thankful for a job that sucks because if I lost it I would probably do anything to have another crappy job. I'm thankful for a clean house that may be borderline OCD organized, but at least it isn't a pigsty. I'm thankful for great friends, and even though I only have a couple of them, they are loyal and very generous. I'm thankful for the health that I have and for the opportunities my talents have brought me. And most of all I'm thankful for the spirits who have been given to me as children and a wife. Take everything from me, but let me keep them. People who only have their iPods and Audis to keep them alive make me sad. I get to wake up and work to provide for the best people in the world every single day. Screw iPods... I've got something that even Mac can't duplicate. :)