on Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Over the past decade or two, Adobe’s Photoshop image editing software has become a staple in the world of graphics and media. The program’s primary function is to take an image and alter it in such a way that the final image is cleaner, crisper, and – for lack of a better word – better. In fact, Photoshop’s popularity and usage is so widespread that the word “photoshop” has become a colloquial verb meaning to edit and touch up an image, not unlike how the word “google” can now be used interchangeably with the term “search”.

Unfortunately, not every image that is put through Photoshop turns out well. Mistakes are made, errors are overlooked, and the final product can be catastrophically bad. Here are some of the absolute worst Photoshop blunders of all time.

#10 – Color Confused Cereal

Let me start off by saying that I don’t have anything against breakfast cereal. In fact, a tasty bowl of healthy morning goodness is a fantastic way to start the day. But there’s something about race-changing cereal that I just can’t make myself endorse…

#9 – Missing Belly Button

Playboy ran this ad sometime in the past and instantly knocked many readers back to the genesis of humankind. Where is this woman’s belly button? One explanation is that a careless photo artist accidentally airbrushed it away. Personally, I think we’ve found Eve of Eden.

#8 – Wrong Reflection

There’s a tiny chance that this was intentional, but even then it would be terrible. Creating a text reflection is one of the most basic image editing procedures to perform. So basic, in fact, that there are websites that will automatically generate image reflections for you. There’s no excuse for this one.

#7 – Lazy Stock Image

The designer for this video game decided to save a few bucks on the cover, essentially ripping the image from iStockphoto without paying for it. Unfortunately, he was too inattentive to notice the watermarks. That, or just really ballsy.

#6 – Headless Athlete

It’s amazing how a print publication as large and prolific as Sports Illustrated managed to let a mistake like this pass under their radar. It’s hard to tell what exactly they were trying to photoshop, but they forgot to put this guy’s head back on.

#5 – Mismatched Reflection

It’s hard to put any trust into a company that fails this badly. Were they deliberately trying to fool the consumer? Or was it simply human error? Either way, Lexar comes out bottom as dishonest or incompetent.

#4 – Fake Cheque

Speaking of dishonesty, how about an image that blatantly lies to your face? This guy has two massive Photoshop mistakes in this picture. For one, the image quality of the fake cheque is abysmal – it might fool someone who is computer illiterate, but that’s about it. For another, the cheque appears to be a vampire cheque. Vampires don’t have shadows, right? It is missing in the reflection in the paint of the vehicle too.

#3 – Copy & Pasted Audience

Not really sure what to say here. Did the image editor really think nobody would notice?

#2 – Really Smart Redhead

Alright, so here’s the thing: in order to achieve this effect, the image artist had to voluntarily and consciously slice this poor woman’s forehead and manually move it up a few hundred pixels… and during that entire process, it never crossed the artist’s mind that the result of such an operation would be unnatural, to say the least. It boggles the mind.

#1 – Legless Beauty

Here we have the absolute worst Photoshop mistake of all time. Now, I am by no means a Photoshop expert, but at what point does a woman’s leg disappear? And even afterwards, how is it that nobody on staff noticed an entire thigh missing?

Love that Mio Energy stuff

on Tuesday, January 10, 2012

REVIEW: MiO Energy Liquid Water Enhancer (Black Cherry and Green Thunder)

Written by | January 5, 2012

Topics: 7 Rating, MiO, Water

MiO Energy Liquid Water Enhancer (Black Cherry and Green Thunder)

NOTE: Click here for our regular MiO Liquid Water Enhancer review

The new Black Cherry and Green Thunder MiO Energy Liquid Water Enhancers are kind of like NyQuil. They both have camel case names, both come in a cherry flavor and some weird green flavor, and they both make me grimace when I consume them straight out of their containers.

However, while NyQuil contains antihistamines and alcohol to make one sleepy, MiO Energy contains caffeine and B vitamins to make me hold back Mr. Sandman for a while.

Because of the caffeine they contain, the MiO Energy bottles have a warning that states they’re not for children and should not be added to alcoholic drinks. I also thought they didn’t have any warnings about squirting it straight into your mouth instead of a glass of water, but on the opposite side of the children and alcoholic beverages warning, the bottle says, “Always dilute concentrate.”

Unfortunately, I didn’t read that until after I squirted some Black Cherry and Green Thunder MiO Liquid Water Enhancer down my gullet, so my heart could’ve exploded. Thankfully, it didn’t.

When a 1/2 teaspoon of MiO Energy is squirted into eight ounces of water, the mixture provides 60 milligrams of sweet, sweet caffeine, which is 20 less milligrams than a Red Bull. MiO Energy is also cheaper than a Red Bull. For the price of one bottle of MiO ($4.99 regular price), which can make 18 servings, you can only buy two 10-ounce cans of Red Bull, or if you’re at a bar, half a can of Red Bull.

When mixed with water, both MiO Energy flavors have a slight medicinal flavor, which will probably be off-putting to many drinkers. At first, I didn’t care for the Black Cherry flavor because it kind of reminded me of watered down cough syrup. But it’s grown on me and now I think it tastes more like a cherry Tootsie Pop. Green Thunder tastes like an energy drink. If you’re someone who likes to try all kinds of energy drinks, it tastes like one of those cheap energy drinks that tries to copy the flavor of Red Bull, except without any carbonation. For those of you who don’t like to try all kinds of energy drinks, it has a pleasant sweet and tart flavor. Although, as I mentioned earlier, it’s also slightly medicinal. I like both flavors, but if I had to pick a favorite, I’d choose Green Thunder, but not by much.

As for its ability as an energy booster, I think it did a pretty good job, providing me with a jolt of energy that lasted a few hours. To be honest, I was surprised by how well it worked since it has less caffeine than I’m used to consuming.

MiO Energy costs the same and comes in the same 1.62-ounce size as regular MiO. However, a bottle of MiO Energy makes only 18 servings, which is 25 percent fewer servings than a bottle of regular MiO.

But who cares about that, besides cost-conscious people? I certainly don’t because MiO Energy has sweet, sweet caffeine, and that’s all that matters to me and my tired ass.

(Nutrition Facts – 1/2 tsp – 0 calories, 0 grams of fat, 10 milligrams of sodium, 0 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of sugar, 0 grams of protein, 10% niacin, 10% vitamin B6, and 10% vitamin B12.)

Other MiO Energy reviews:
Foodette Reviews
Drinkable Review
Drink What
Caffeine King

Item: MiO Energy Liquid Water Enhancer (Black Cherry and Green Thunder)
Price: $3.50 (on sale)
Size: 1.62 ounces
Purchased at: Target
Rating: 7 out of 10 (Black Cherry)
Rating: 7 out of 10 (Green Thunder)
Pros: Contains sweet, sweet caffeine. Black Cherry tastes like a cherry Tootsie Pop. Green Thunder taste like an non-carbonated energy drink. Good energy booster. Easy to make.
Cons: Makes less serving than regular MiO. Slightly medicinal flavor might be off-putting. Contains a pitiful amount of B vitamins. Squirting MiO straight into my mouth.