Play Games and GET PAID!!

on Saturday, October 10, 2009

Do you like to play those simple FLASH games that are all over the internet? Are you any good at any of them? I would like to invite you to a social network that is having a really fun contest from October 14 through November 13. It is a games contest and the prizes are cash. The games are exactly those easy FLASH games that you have seen a thousand times before, so this should be a walk in the park for you!


The contest is simple. There is a category in the Echo Arcade called "October Contest". There are 50 games in this category that you can play. At the end of the contest we will award $50 to the high score winner of each game. Here is the great part... You can win up to 3 of the high scores, so there is the potential of winning $150 in just that. The other great part is that anybody you invite to this social network who wins one of the $50 prizes, you will also be rewarded with $30 for referring them to begin with. You see, Echoloops is the first incentivized social network and is going to change the way social networks behave in the future. This contest serves a couple purposes for us. One is that it has the potential to draw in thousands of people to play the games and compete in the contest for the prize money. Secondly, it also shows how incentivized social networks should work. There is change coming in the social network world and we have seen it coming with the changes that Facebook and other sites have been making to their user agreements and terms of service. Echoloops is a new social network that is continuing to evolve, but promises to be THE big thing in social networks in the coming months.

Game Contest:

· $50 for the person with high score on selected 50 games (maximum win of three times)

· $30 for the person who brought in the high score winner (no limit to how many you can win)

· $20 for the person who brought them in (no limit on how many you can win)

· $500 to the person with the most high scores at end of month

Echoloops Recruiting Contest:

· $100 for person who brings in the most people into Echoloops EACH WEEK!! (weeks go from Sunday through Saturday beginning on October 14, so that first week is the best chance to win for you! Get your invites ready!)

· $300 for person who brings in most people for the term of the contest

· $200 for the 2nd place recruiter for the contest

· $100 for the 3rd place recruiter of the contest


Again, this is just a one month contest to play some games and get rewarded for it. I can also tell you that huge things are in the works for Echoloops. At the end of this contest you will see some major changes to the look and feel of Echoloops. The third reason for this contest is to have as many eyes on the site as possible when we implement some great things into the site that will cause you to think twice when you send an invite out for another social network. We want to give everybody a reason to make Echoloops their new home. You'll want to be involved in what we are going to be doing!

If you want to check out the site first and then signup, that is cool. Just remember to either come back to this email and click the link to signup so I can get my $30 when you win first place in a couple games, or use the invite code SE239745 when you click the SIGNUP button on This is actually a referral coming from my Dad's account since I actually work for the company that owns Echoloops. It actually isn't a problem for me to win prizes based on referrals or even by playing the games myself, but I thought it would be a nice surprise for my dad if he won some money after providing moral support as I've been working to get this company off the ground for the last few months. :) So play hard and get some scores posted!!

Full rules for the contest will be posted on Echoloops as well as on October 14th, so keep an eye out for that.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy the games and that you refer lots of people to the site!