Hacking the G2

on Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Tmobile G2 is a fantastic phone. I'm a huge fan of the Android operating system and this phone is a huge help! There are a couple tips I want to share which are ridiculously helpful.

Tip 1: Get the Applanet.net app on your phone. This is the free market which allows you to download paid apps for FREE on your phone!

Tip 2: Get an account with Appbucket.net! This is another free market, but with a twist. You download them to your computer and then transfer them to your phone. Actually more stable and faster than Applanet, but just not as convenient.

Tip 3: Do a temporary root on your phone by searching in the Android Market for Visionary. This will do a temp root which will need to be done each time you reboot your phone. Not a big deal. (edit: Check out the xda-developers.com forums for the Permenant Root solutions)

Tip 3: Follow these steps to turn your phone into a wireless hotspot!

1> Root your phone with visionary from the app store

2> go to http://code.google.com/p/android-wifi-tether/downloads/list?can=2&q=NexusOne and download the latest update to the application

3> Copy it to your G2's sd card

4> Go to your Files application, and run the apk for the wireless tether