Our Growing Earth

on Sunday, September 21, 2008

You seriously have to watch this video.

I am just shocked and amazed simply because I never considered this a possibility. The gist of the video is that the continents didn't separate from each other by some strange drifting of the tectonic plates. In fact, they only moved at all because the Earth itself has been expanding.

The concept of Pangea is relatively new. In the 1920s there was a German scientist who theorized that the continents could have formed one giant landmass at one time in the past. This would explain all sorts of things. Things like why certain dinosaur fossils have been found in continents nowhere near each other, yet not found anywhere else in the world. If they lived on a seam, so to speak, and that seam separated, then that would account for such things.

What I never understood about this theory is why all of the land would be in one place and then just decide to separate. On a sphere like our planet is, wouldn't the land masses just eventually join up again? According to Pangea experts, in 250 million years or so we will have one great big continent again.

My thing is that I don't like complicated explanations. I like things to make sense, but without all the stretching that sometimes seems to be done when explaining something that should be simple. Pangea seems complicated. Expanding Earth is simple. There have been well thought out reports that have been written about this theory for many years longer than the Pangea theories. In fact, Nikola Tesla (inventor of the radio as well as many other things. You might recognize the name from the post before this one) said it best in 1935 in the New York Herald Tribune.

"Condensation of the primary substance is going on continuously, this being in a measure proved, for I have established by experiments which admit of no doubt that the sun and other celestial bodies steadily increase in mass and energy and ultimately must explode, reverting to the primary substance."

I'm not looking forward to any planets exploding, but it just make sense. Everything is getting bigger. We have evidence that the Universe is expanding based on distance between objects growing farther apart. Planetary orbits are getting larger. Space is expanding. Everything grows. Believe it or don't believe it, but now you know what I believe.