I'm working with a new company and we are trying to decide on a name for the business. In process of doing this we came up with the name XplayNation. It can also be spelled EXplayNATION. I think it is a great name and I couldn't believe the .coms weren't taken! Well, they are now. ;) I own them and if we don't use them as our company name, I'll be building a little site for them and putting them up on the auction block. I think they are terrific name ideas for a gaming site or gamer's club. Explaynation... this is the last chance you have to ExPlayn yourself! I think it is a great name. I'm going to build the site and then put the names up for sale. I might even design a couple logos to go along with the sale to sweeten the deal. Because this is a domain name that could generate some pretty strong revenue if someone builds it right, I think the sites have some real value. Not tens of thousands of dollars by any means, but I don't think $1500 for the both of them along with a logo is such a bad price. We'll see what kind of offers I get for it. I think I'll start by just putting it up for sale on EBAY and then go from there. I'll actually be bummed out if we use it for a company name now...
She's actually from Moldova (used to be part of Romania). The Moldovans speak sort of medieval Romanian with some slavic accent and words. Maybe that is why you can't figure out what she's saying. The lyrics are ironical. She sings about Ghita, her probably "boyfriend" who is gone after food and he's not coming back and he seems to be some sort of trouble maker character anyways. However she still loves him and waits for him to come back and she's looking for him. That in a nutshell.
The coat is inside out,
There is no sun above
Nothing is going good
Since I think of Ghita.
But Ghita’s not in town
I asked why he’s not around
It seems to me he’s gone
He’s gone abroad
Hard, I think it’s very hard
Want, I don’t know what I want
I know that you like me too
Ghita, what is up with you?
Young, come on in or go
Young, tell me yes or no
please don´t anger me
Tell me how your life will be
Tonight I’m waiting at the wicket
Me at the station I bought a ticket
Come to,
But don’t come as you did before
As usually with empty hands…
Who else
Will wait and sing for you as I do
Entire evening just getting there
Show me a girl who’s found of you
That loves you more as much as I do…
te-astept diseara la portita
Langa portita de la scoala
Vino da numa nu vini cum vii tu
De obicei cu mana goala
Cine te mai asteapta ca si mine
O seara intreaga numai pe tine.
arata-mi tu o fata care
Sa te iubeasca asa de tare!
(the last part translated from google)
Ghita, I expect tonight to port
The docks at school
Vino da vini not only how you live
Usually with empty hands
Who do you expect me
A whole evening just for you.
show me a girl who's found of you
That loves you more as much as I do...