Very interesting video...

on Friday, February 20, 2009

Ever wonder how the current credit problem works? This is awsome and explains it perfectly!

The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.

Time to rant again...

on Monday, February 16, 2009

Ok, this is only a rant right now because I've been forced to listen to people talking the last few days at work and I'm about to go nuts. I've got to vent or I'm going to explode!!!

There is no X in ‘especially’!!! It isn’t pronounced ‘expecially’ or anything close to that. It’s a freakin’ S you morons!! NO X IN SIGHT!!

Here’s another one. There is no T in the word ‘across’! It isn’t ‘acrossted’ or ‘acrosst’ you idiots!! And yes, I can call you idiots because that is what you are if you are going to add ridiculous letters like that into words. I know we love to recycle here in the good ole US of A, but this is taking things to extremes. You can’t just steal letters from other words and throw them in somewhere else.

I suppose that extra T that people put in the word ‘across’ must come from the missing T that everybody seems to remove from the word ‘mountain’ around here. I can’t even spell how it is pronounced. Just take the T out and try to say the word. Mounin. Something like that. And I suppose the X in ‘expecially’ could be stolen from ‘except’ when people just pronounce it ‘essept’. Still, that is no excuse to slaughter the English language! Recycling is great, but let’s keep it to plastics and glass and leave words out of it, m’kay? Whew. I feel better.