I'm working with a new company and we are trying to decide on a name for the business. In process of doing this we came up with the name XplayNation. It can also be spelled EXplayNATION. I think it is a great name and I couldn't believe the .coms weren't taken! Well, they are now. ;) I own them and if we don't use them as our company name, I'll be building a little site for them and putting them up on the auction block. I think they are terrific name ideas for a gaming site or gamer's club. Explaynation... this is the last chance you have to ExPlayn yourself! I think it is a great name. I'm going to build the site and then put the names up for sale. I might even design a couple logos to go along with the sale to sweeten the deal. Because this is a domain name that could generate some pretty strong revenue if someone builds it right, I think the sites have some real value. Not tens of thousands of dollars by any means, but I don't think $1500 for the both of them along with a logo is such a bad price. We'll see what kind of offers I get for it. I think I'll start by just putting it up for sale on EBAY and then go from there. I'll actually be bummed out if we use it for a company name now...
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3 hours ago
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