I don't know why the automotive industry didn't install turn signals on every vehicle they make. Whenever I get a vehicle inspected by the state they always check to see if my blinkers work, so how are they getting away with this??
I'm only assuming that they are factory options, of course. I mean, they must be since so many drivers aren't using them. You would have to be inconsiderate on a gallactic level to drive around without using them when they are right there next to your hand. Are people afraid that they will drop their cell phone if they signal while turning or something? Do we need to find a better place for the lever so it is easier for people?
I was driving with a friend in Dallas once and she was trying to merge onto the freeway. The traffic wouldn't let her in and she was going a little crazy with frustration. I told her that it might help if she used her signal so that people would know her intentions and she looked at me, quite seriously mind you, and said "We don't use our signals in Dallas." Wha?? So as a society it is ok and accepted that people are just going to cut in front of you or veer out of traffic without warning? Ok..... Now I know why traffic is so crazy in Dallas. Now I know why they have exit ramps on the left side of the freeway that just loop up and around only to dump you back on the same road but now in the right lane. You can't cut across 8 lanes of traffic without using your signals and since nobody uses them there they have to find other ways to get across the traffic.
Here is what I would like to do. I'd like to create bumper stickers that lower your insurance if you have one on your car. The bumper sticker would say something like "Use your freaking turn signals you jerk!" Nobody wearing a bumper sticker like that would survive two minutes if they weren't using their signals. You can't call out a behavior as being unacceptable and then proceed to follow the crowd in breaking the law. Better yet, here is one you can buy and use right now. All I'm asking is that people start using their signals. Is that too much?
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