Greetings weary and lost traveler! How do I know you are lost? Well, clearly you must be if you are reading anything on this page. I'm not really anybody that important and I don't know anybody who really cares about what I have to say about anything. However, I do have things to say and thanks to the wonders of blogging, now I have a place to say them. :)
As a disclaimer to this blog I would like to say a few things.
1. I am not an expert of anything. I'm of the mind that if you ask enough experts then you can validate any opinion. Because of this and other beliefs, I don't buy into the concept of anybody being an expert at anything other than their own perceptions. My perceptions change as frequently as new input hits my brain. It is difficult to profess to be an expert of anything as long as your views of the world and the situations you are in are constantly changing. Therefore, nothing I write in this blog should be taken literally. Everything is perception according to YOU, so bear that in mind before you get all offended and start firing emails off to people.
2. I am a very verbose individual, but I will eventually get to the point. Don't abandon what I'm saying just because it seems to be long winded. That is just my nature. I will get to the point sooner or later and it very well may be brilliant. ...or it could be an absolute waste of your time to read it. The point is that you'll never really know unless you take the time to read it.
3. I'm not trying to deliberately rip people off by using their stuff without giving credit. The web is simply too large for me to find everything that I am looking for. If I find a funny story or something else that I like, it is not reasonable for me to spend a week trying to find who should get credit for it. If I can provide a link to where I got the information then I will. Otherwise I'll just have to hope that people will realize that I'm not copying your stuff for personal gain. Please... take a look around. Does this blog really look like a hot bed of ecommerce to you? I'm just trying to be entertaining and I'm sorry if I am unable to give credit where credit is due.
So hopefully I find some things to amuse, entertain, and enlighten you. :) The web is a big place and I can't wait to bring some of it to some sort of order.
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